Successful culinary recipes that have become widespread in the daily lives of hundreds of millions and sometimes even billions of people are undoubtedly among the outstanding achievements of civilization. However, as a rule, culinary recipes are not highly appreciated in the world culture and are poorly popularized. Although they could please with their taste, usefulness and beauty many more people than now. And in this case, it is not so important who and when invented a recipe. After all, it is almost impossible to prove the authorship of the absolute majority of recipes. Especially recipes that were passed down to our generations from our ancestors.
We see the task of the world register of culinary recipes not in registration of copyrights on recipes, but in popularization of the most successful achievements of the world culinary thought.
To do this we need the help of those who want to share with other people the recipes of their favorite dishes of home cooking.
We believe that from this the world can become for many people a little tastier, healthier, more interesting, more economical. And kinder.
If you would like to participate in such an endeavor, as a partner company or personally, or if you simply have thoughts on these issues that you would like to share with us, please let us know in the form below.